News & Announcements

Our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Statement

Volunteering is universal, because all people seek to be part of a community and make a contribution to that community. All communities have unique cultures of community giving and practice social wellbeing.

Diversity and inclusion statement

First Nations peoples have a long history of community giving, reciprocity, family and community obligation and the traditional owners and custodians of the lands and waterways. Volunteering Victoria is committed to working alongside First Nations people on the journey of reconciliation and ensuring First Nations history, voices and experiences are included in volunteering.

We support, celebrate, and promote volunteering for all communities and in all its forms and different meanings. We value personal experiences of people of every faith, ethnicity, culture, language, age, ability, gender identity, sex and sexual orientation. We believe everyone should be able to access the health, social and connective value that being a volunteer gives to individuals.

In practice
We commit to actively seeking to hear from and understand a diversity of experiences and perspectives on volunteering and community giving. We aim to strengthen and create an equitable and accessible volunteering sector that ensures everyone has equal opportunity to participate in volunteering, in all its forms and definitions. Through our advocacy and policy work, we will do all we can to ensure all forms and definitions of volunteering are recognised and valued, and that any person who wants to volunteer, can do so.

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