
Overview of redesign

This redesign is a change from how volunteer management services have previously been delivered across Australia and puts Volunteering Victoria in a new role as jurisdictional provider and funder of services. To ensure Volunteering Victoria meets the aims of the redesigned grant and engages with a wide range of stakeholders, it commissioned LDC Group to:

  • undertake an environmental scan and consultation framework
  • provide advice on how best to implement redesigned VMA at a jurisdictional level to ensure the success of the program.

LDC Group completed desk research and consulted with the sector via surveys, focus groups, individual interviews and a project reference group comprising volunteer sector stakeholders. The project reference group met regularly.

In line with Volunteering Victoria’s commitment to transparent design in meeting the aims of the redesigned VMA, the report is available to view below.

View LDC Group Report
VMA 2021

Project Information

To ensure we meet the aims of the redesigned VMA and enages with a wide range of stakeholders, we have commissioned the LDC Group to undertake an environmental scan  on how best to implement VMA5 at a jurisdictional level.

For reference group members

Terms of Reference

The reference group is an important component in developing the framework and implementation process for the redesigned VMA.